Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 190: No more Department of Education?? Wonderful idea!! (Wed, Feb 19, 2025)

Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 190:   No more Department of Education?? Wonderful idea!! 

A silly question on the Internet: If the Department of Education is dismantled, then how are kids going to receive their education?

No, the Department of Education is the repository of bad ideas and bad ambitions. Get rid of it and let more mainstream people take control of K-12.


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Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


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Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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LET'S FIX EDUCATION     by     Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 190      Wed, Feb 19, 2025


No more Department of Education??  Wonderful idea!!

A question on the Internet: If the Department of Education is dismantled, then how are kids going to receive their education?

This is as convoluted as asking if you outlaw police departments, how will people feel free to shop where they want?

Right now the perennially askew Education Establishment, their brains numbed by sophistry, will spend their last months in power inculcating this kind of silly conclusion. Teachers will run around saying: oh no, Dick and Jane won't learn to read. As if they are reading now. As if  the problem now is that children can't read because of acid rain or cosmic radiation or astral changes. No, the Education Establishment is tragically debased and at fault. Virtually every attempt they make to educate children creates ever more millions of sub-educated children.

But don't take my word. The ed press reports that the downward spiral in K-12 continues. Recent NEA scores are a “new low.” Here is one expert’s summary of how bad things have gotten: “We’ve always had an achievement gap. It was getting worse prior to the pandemic. Since 2019, it has exploded and we can’t tell yet if it’s done growing….Some districts and states have no plan to reverse the sad patterns because they barely acknowledge the patterns exist.” 

You should be thinking: OMG.

I urge everyone to support Trump in getting rid of the DoE. It’s not just that your country and community will save money. The Education Establishment requires that many courses are taught in the worst way and then you have assessments and then you have second courses of the same subject and then you have psychiatric counseling. All along the way, you have many people coming into education for the money. I found the 1953 book by Albert Lynd titled  Quackery in the Public Schools. That title was quite a wake-up call to me. Lynd spent a couple of chapters explaining how a multitude of professors have permanent jobs delivering redundant lectures in the Ed schools and also teaching endless PD (Professional Development) in K-12 schools, where professors get paid for endlessly reinforcing the bogus and dishonest.

Let me just stay quickly what happens when the DOE is out of the way. You get rid of all courses that don't work especially anything to do with sight- words. We need a new emphasis on old-fashioned arithmetic versus Newfangled Math. We need direct instruction of basic knowledge in geography, history, and general science.

May I emphasize that the schools are in terrible shape because the people in charge don't want them to be in good shape. These people can be called deep staters, progressives, socialists, collectivists, maybe even communists or totalitarians. The more I studied K-12, the more I understood this country's politics. A lot of people were sent here by the Communist International circa 1921, 1922. There was a war, not a Cold War, but an invisible war. And after only 10 years, the Education Establishment was strong enough to eliminate phonics and promote sight-words. A startling victory.

So now 100 years later, we have 50,000,000 functional illiterates. Do you think these damaged people grow on trees? No, thousands of subversives have to devote their lives to making it happen.

If you get rid of the Department of Education, then the most sincere, earnest people in each state will seize the opportunity to make better schools. I think that's great news. Kids will receive a better education than anybody now dreams of.


For more details on this message, read
K-12: Six steps to reform education right now



Quackery in the Public Schools  by Albert Lynd. See my review on Amazon. 
