Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 170: Critical thinking about why do zebras have stripes? (Wed., Oct. 2, 2024)

Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 170: Critical thinking about why do zebras have stripes? (Wed., Oct. 2, 2024)

Ed professors play a dangerous game, keeping students ignorant, while pretending that somehow they are being educated.

No matter what people are discussing, you need a little basic information on that topic to join the discussion.

Did you know that science has not explained why zebras have such contrasty stripes. To discuss this, you need background information. Everything in our public schools is like children going to their first cricket game and nobody tells them what the whole thing is about.

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Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


Bio: Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet, and education reformer.

(For a list of literary titles, visit Lit4u.com
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Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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LET'S FIX EDUCATION        by        Bruce Deitrick Price 

Episode 170     Wed., Oct. 2, 2024


Critical Thinking About Why Do Zebras Have Stripes

The most fatuous gimmick used in public schools is called Critical Thinking. The professors suggest that not only do they know how to teach it, they don't need to teach anything else. So they are wrong twice. 

To discuss things critically, i.e., intelligently, we need to have basic or foundational information. That's the purpose of K-12. Give kids the facts they need to survive in a complex society. Otherwise you're sending them to the front without rifle or helmet.

The War against Knowledge has mutated into a sniveling PR campaign against so-called factoids. All the things once taught in our public schools are now dismissed as trivial. Ed professors proudly insist that children do not need to bother with such unimportant stuff.

Suppose people are discussing how history would be different if the Japanese destroyed all U.S. ships at Pearl Harbor. Would Japan have won the war? Do you know enough to join this conversation? A good education means that a person can join in most conversations.

I've been reading about why zebras have stripes. Can you discuss this question?

Most people think first of camouflage. Many species of animal want to conceal their presence.

However, our thinking has to be confused by the fact that a zebra’s stripes make him intensely visible. Of all the animals, zebras are most aggressively prominent if a lion glances in their direction. What kind of camouflage is that?

One of the theories I saw years back is that the stripes don't hide the individual zebra. They hide the herd. Twenty zebra, each of which might be a meal, blend to form a very large object. Lions and tigers would not even know there were zebras over there. A black and white mass blends with the grass in the foreground and the forest beyond.

Recently someone came up with the theory that the contrasting black and white shapes help the animal to regulate its body temperature. I enjoyed the thought that the animal can somehow reflect heat from the white areas, and absorb heat in the black areas.

I’m hazy on the science. That's OK. I want to keep the mystery in play because then you will understand that depriving kids of knowledge is dereliction of duty. The news that comes to them every day often makes no sense because they don't have the info to process it.

Consider this further theory I recently encountered, it says that  stripes are an anti-insect device that works in a surprising way. When insects start to land, their guidance systems are confused because the black and white don't seem to be on the same plane! So the animal put brakes on too soon or too late.

Zebras and their stripes are just one of thousands of examples of subjects you won't be able to talk about if you don't know some basic information.

American children are not learning to read. So they can't absorb information even if they want to. Conversely, by keeping the children ignorant, the professors sabotage any desire to read better.

So here's how the mutant media maintains its control on the dumbing down of the country. They don't necessarily say anything. They just pretend not to notice that virtually everything taught in the public school 75 years ago is now gone. 

Everybody's looking the other way. It's like when a student is bullied or molested and the authorities say: oh well we didn't know. They know.

Make the content interesting. Children will automatically want to learn how to read so they can learn more content. Conversely, more content makes reading simpler because the children have some background knowledge to help them along.