Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 161: Schools more violent!! Experts pretend to be baffled?? Wed., July 31, 2024

Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 61: Schools more violent!! Experts pretend to be baffled??  Wed., July 31, 2024

If sight-words and constructivism, didn't work 50 years ago, why do you think they'll work today?

The schools are full of goofy ideas. Think of them as ticks on a dog, pluck them off and burn them.

Episode 161 explains why the Education Establishment is so unhelpful


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Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


Bio: Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet, and education reformer.

(For a list of literary titles, visit Lit4u.com
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Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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LET'S FIX EDUCATION     by       Bruce Deitrick Price

Wed., July 31, 2024

Episode 161: Schools more violent!! Experts pretend to be baffled??


if you’ve read anything I wrote, you know I'm harshly critical of our never-do-well Education Establishment. They promote bogus theories and methods, get inferior results, and stand around puzzled. They continuously push for flawed policies, incorporate even more bizarre theories, hold pretentious conferences, and send out a millions press releases proclaiming a New Era in Education.

Things continue to get worse. Ed Week, which is almost the voice of the Education Establishment, revealed:

“Teachers are reporting breaking up fights in schools and are raising concerns about their own safety. Students have been caught with guns or other weapons on campuses in several high-profile incidents. 

And school shootings…though still very rare, are on track to surpass their pre-pandemic high.

“But if an actual surge is taking place, what’s causing it? Will it reshape the contours of the fractious school-safety conversation? And what do district leaders need to consider as they try to respond?”

Ed Week’s RESEARCH CENTER discovered that the nation is in the grip of a general spike of violence probably due to the pandemic and social unrest accompanying the murder of George Floyd in 2020. Their best guess is that those trends are trickling inexorably, and tragically, down to K-12 students.

“You study these things for so long and then you throw the rule book out. No one really knows why we’ve got the trends and violence we’re seeing right now,” said … a professor of criminal justice at Metropolitan State University, in St. Paul, Minn., who studies gun violence. “But I think at the same time, we’re coming to the same sorts of conclusions:

“It’s a combination of the pandemic; a lack of trust in our institutions, particularly law enforcement; the presence of guns; the toxic, divisive, contentious times we live in. They’re all interacting together.”

Here is a separate piece of evidence that came out from the Journal of Research with this headline: "Educators are the most burnt out in the US, with a median duration of 2.65 years of working at the same place….Education tops the list for fastest career burnout.”

Translation: many teachers, having worked for years toward a heartfelt goal, find that they're not happy, they're nervous and fearful, dreading each new day when they have to go back to dangerous classrooms.

Notice that the experts never seem to have a clue. They never renounce their silly ideas. They never adopt the obvious solutions used in better schools around the world.

Truth is, there have always been misbehavers in every school. Question is, do you let those students drag down the whole school system? Of course not. Unless you're a Marxist deep thinker. Don't forget that the Mayors of Seattle and Portland, two of our most beautiful cities, let invaders burn down parts of their cities in the summer of 2021. Why?

Because America-haters such as George Soros support the advancement of people who argue for the same basic sophistry.that you encounter when people say Streets will be safer if we get rid of our cops.

Marx, a brilliant troublemaker, had very simple goals. No religion. No family, No Christianity. No traditional values. No escape from Communism. Et el. All of his elaborate analysis is intended to destroy everything that most people want.

So, experts have the nerve to claim that no one really knows why we’ve got so much violence. I know. You make the schools dreary and unsuccessful so that everyone hates being there.  You don't punish criminal behavior, also called assault and battery. You refuse to reject the theories and methods known to be destructive.

Finally, almost everything going on in the schools is counterintuitive and therefore counterproductive. Professors of education disdain common sense. They seem always to be head over heels in love with whatever won't work.

Supplement:  American public schools chew up teachers and spit them out. 
Why is the Education Establishment so callous?
