Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 160: How Ideological Hacks Ruin The Schools (Wed., July 24, 2024)

Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 160: How Ideological Hacks Ruin The Schools  (Wed., July 24, 2024)

Don't let the blizzard of lies confuse you. It's the same pattern over and over. They try to take you off your game. So they can order you around and make you behave the way they want.

The answers themselves are just garbage. That's the thing to keep in mind.


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Breitbart explores Lukacs and Gang

Graphic shows Lukacs in 1919.
Is it my imagination or does he look evil?
I ask the same question about Soros.
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Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


Bio: Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet, and education reformer.

(For a list of literary titles, visit Lit4u.com
Under construction but worth a look.)

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Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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LET'S FIX EDUCATION      by      Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 160        --     Wed., July 24, 2024


How Ideological Hacks Ruin The Schools

Episode 160    July 24, 2024


To fight against pornography in the public schools, a Texas housewife recently blasted officials at a school board meeting: “I do not want my children to learn about anal sex in middle school…. I want you to start focusing on education, not public health.”

Education, as everyone should see, is the first refuge of scoundrels. Do you think this school board has newer, deeper answers to every question? In fact, liberals have had few new ideas in more than a century. During World War 1, the Communist government of Hungary “imposed a system of pornographic sex education on Hungarian school pupils.” Ever since, Communists have tried the same pervy tricks again and again.

During World War 1, the Deputy People’s Commissar for Culture and Education was an extreme Marxist named Georg Lukacs, then considered the most brilliant Communist since Marx himself. Lukacs advocated promiscuity, denounced the family, and encouraged children to mock their parents and religion. 

The sarcastic question Lukacs posed was: “Who will save us from Western Civilization?” The question you should ask instead is, did this phoney know even the slightest helpful thing about family, sex, religion, promiscuity, or anything else?

I suggest absolutely not. Don't be fooled when Communists want to sell you a weird answer on any issue. Here's what's going on. They have figured out that you can be manipulated by discussing this or that complex issue. They throw out unsettling ideas in order to weaken your confidence. Finally you give up and do what they want. Control, of course,  is always the goal.

In 1918, Lukacs continued refining what he called "cultural terrorism." One component was to create sexual education courses that work to distort traditional sexual morality. “He came to the conclusion that if sexual morals could be compromised and undermined when Christians were still children, then Christianity itself could be destroyed.”

Why was Marxist theory incorrect? Two leading Marxist intellectuals, Antonio Gramsci in Italy and Lukacs in Hungary independently improvised the same work- around.. They said that Western culture and the Christian religion had blinded the working class to its true, class interests, so that Communist revolution was impossible in the West.

Always remember that Marx had predicted inevitable Communist revolution no matter what. Now it turns out that, as a first step, the revolutionaries have to dismantle the entire Christian era. Bottom line, this new Marxism had little resemblance to the older Marxism except a hatred for everything in their way.

During 1919, Lukacs set plans in motion to de-Christianize Hungary with a program of “non-judgmental tolerance.” He reasoned that if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the hated patriarchal family and the church would be dealt a crippling blow.

To achieve his objective, Lukács launched radical sex education in the schools. Sex lectures were organized and literature handed out that graphically instructed youth in free love and sexual intercourse, while simultaneously encouraging them to deride and reject parental and church authority.

In 1923, Lukacs founded the Institute for Marxism at Frankfurt University in Weimar Germany along with fellow Marxists Herbert Marcuse and Theodor Adorno. …. 100 years later, they’re still up to the same sordid tricks.

The big point is, Marxist intellectuals pretend to be seeking truth and wisdom. Nonsense. For them, politics is war. They are seeking your weak spots so they can destroy you. 

As a result, Communism is everywhere in our society, attacking, attacking, attacking. A few decades back, Communism posed under the title “political correctness.” Now it maneuvers under the title “woke.” 

One thing every school should inaugurate is Communism Studies. These people never take a day off. They won't be happy until you’re unhappy. 

Mark Levin summarizes the saga best: “Democrats are hellbent on destroying our country”

There's too much crime?? No problem! We'll get rid of the police. This is what Marxism's good for. They produce weirdly counter-Intuitive answers that make everything worse! 

Worse......That's what they are really trying to achieve.


Good background article:  https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2015/02/04/for-the-first-time-in-history-conservatives-are-at-the-forefront-of-the-cultural-revolution/

