Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 149: YOU should be an education reformer. (Wed., May 8, 2024)

Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 149: YOU should be an education reformer.  (Wed., May 8, 2024)

Join the good guys, against the duplicitous professors of education who have devised so much sneaky nonsense.

I've been calling K-12 a crime scene for 20 years. This is a very liberating notion. Education is a bad part of town. Adults will be robbed, children will be stunted.

QED: you should get involved with improving K-12.


SIX STEPS TO REFORM  (good article)

Mark Dice wants to know how many stars are on the flag?   (Video.)



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Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


Bio: Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet, and education reformer.

(For a list of literary titles, visit Lit4u.com
Still under construction but worth a look.)


Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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LET'S FIX EDUCATION      by      Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 149          --        Wed, May7, 2024


You Should Be an Education Reformer

 Here are the two most striking facts about American K-12:

First fact, the schools get worse every year. Statistics, anecdotes, and street interviews show this. I've seen more than 100 interviews by more than a dozen VIP’s. If you have not seen such videos, look at this one by Mark Dice (on a Fourth of July weekend, asking people how many stars are on the flag). Many people don't know! 

Ask yourself. If a  person doesn’t know this basic information, what does that person know? What has many years of school accomplished?

Jay Leno started this expose 20 years ago. He found people who did not know who won the Civil War. Then we read that Prof. Deneen at Notre Dame was complaining that there are lots of  students at that elite college who do not know.

Second fact, the movers and shakers, the people at the top, the leaders who run our society, are comatose or corrupt. As a result, the wrong people have gotten too much power.  William Buckley’s maxim is a good one: “I 'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.”

So the school situation is bad, but the best people stand aside. What’s the answer? Obviously, all Americans should become education reformers. 1) Find out what’s going on. 2) Get involved. 

I think of public schools as a gigantic crime scene. Sherlock Holmes would get a rush. There is a glittering variety of disinformation, sophistry, propaganda, lies,  and disingenuousness. Wall-to-wall fraud and Ponzi schemes, that’s what we’re fighting.

 Here's history you should know. Starting in 1920, after the Russian Revolution, the Little Piggies in Moscow planned to take over the world by subverting each government and cultural organization. The easiest targets were education, foundations, media, publishing, et al. By the 1930s the Education Establishment in the United States was virtually a Communist front group.

You know this is true because in 1931 the professors turned against phonics, proven for centuries, and championed fraudulent reading instruction known as Whole Word. In 1955, Rudolf Flesch explained the whole thing in his famous book, Why Johnny Can't Read. Our left-wing professors continued their mischief from 1955 until now. That’s why we have 50 million functional illiterates.

The frightening thing is the absence of honest leadership. 

  • Where are the real professors and scholars? The ones who know what's going on in the schools and should educate the world.

  • Where are the religious leaders who have a moral obligation to their congregations? 

  • Where are the black leaders who care about what’s happening in Detroit and Philadelphia? 

  • Where are the first families, the wealthy, the patriarchs? Andrew Carnegie made a lot of money and built 2500 libraries. This activism was aimed directly at lifting up ordinary citizens. Call it paternalism if you like. We need a lot more of it.

K-12 is in decline and thus the country as well. The Education Establishment has shown no inclination toward raising the level of our schools. As a result, your country desperately needs YOU.

So how does one become an education reformer? Easy. You have to understand the basic sophistries and gimmicks used in the public schools. These are cheap tricks. Once you understand them, you’ll say, ohhh so that's all there is to it. Yes!

Here are the two biggest cons. In reading, children have to memorize thousands of sight-words. Impossible. In content courses, children must figure out the truth for themselves because teachers cannot engage in direct instruction. This nonsense is used in every subject in every classroom. Teachers are no longer allowed to teach content. Naturally schools continue to decline.

The reason I write so much about education is I want to help people be more involved. 

(Finally, do you want information on an ed topic. Search that topic with my whole name, you'll find lots of material.)


IGWS: please pass this material on to parents and teachers