Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 159: What About the Attempted "Assassination" of American Children? ( Wed., July 17, 2024)

July 16, 2024 Bruce Deitrick Price
Episode 159: What About the Attempted "Assassination" of American Children? ( Wed., July 17, 2024)
Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price
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Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price
Episode 159: What About the Attempted "Assassination" of American Children? ( Wed., July 17, 2024)
Jul 16, 2024
Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 159: What About the Attempted Assassination of American Children?

Wed., July 17, 2024

Really hyper ingenious conspiracy. Or just weird dumb luck. I'm talking about the Trump assassination. I'm also talking about the weird ways they teach reading in our schools. Strangely enough, the two things are parallel.

The official story about what happened in Butler is not to be believed. The fiendish evil plot against children is also not to be believed or at least accepted as human. So there you have it, two parallel universes.

Note 2 excellent videos are included:.

K-12; Sight-Words Are A Sick Joke

How Sight-Words Cause Dyslexia



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Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


Bio: Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet, and education reformer.

(For a list of literary titles, visit Lit4u.com
Under construction but worth a look.)

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Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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Show Notes Transcript

Episode 159: What About the Attempted Assassination of American Children?

Wed., July 17, 2024

Really hyper ingenious conspiracy. Or just weird dumb luck. I'm talking about the Trump assassination. I'm also talking about the weird ways they teach reading in our schools. Strangely enough, the two things are parallel.

The official story about what happened in Butler is not to be believed. The fiendish evil plot against children is also not to be believed or at least accepted as human. So there you have it, two parallel universes.

Note 2 excellent videos are included:.

K-12; Sight-Words Are A Sick Joke

How Sight-Words Cause Dyslexia



Here are two ways to help my work…

Visit  Education Reform 
for a 2-page explanation
of what everyone can do.

When you need a smart gift,
give Saving K-12 .


Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


Bio: Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet, and education reformer.

(For a list of literary titles, visit Lit4u.com
Under construction but worth a look.)

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Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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LET'S FIX EDUCATION     by    Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 159           Wed., July 17, 2024


What About the Attempted Assassination of American Children?

One of the striking facts about the attack on Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention is that, almost immediately, experts around the world dismissed the whole horrible event as a phony, a set-up, a hoax.

Why were they so sure? 

Only 125 yards from Trump's injured ear was a two-story warehouse; and on top of it, there was a shooter with a rifle. Any trained shooter can easily hit a person at 125 yards.

Every expert who looks at the situation says that the first thing you would do is put a team of defenders on top of that strategic building. This was not done.

Amazingly, in the minutes before the shooting, lots of people saw the shooter. If you look at the people behind Trump in the news footage, they’re pointing at the shooter, shouting, trying to alert police to the danger. But the police ignore the warnings. 

The Secret Service seem to be zombies. Apparently their sharpshooters had to wait for permission before they could fire at the perp on the roof. Only after the perp had wounded Trump were the sharpshooters allowed to respond.

 This situation is so bizarre that people’s minds go blank trying to explain it. Extreme incompetence. Or extreme evil. Aren't those the only choices?

In other words, it's just like literacy. I've been writing articles for more than 25 years explaining why all the phonics experts insist that you can't teach reading with sight-words. Open and shut. Done deal. Everyone knows sight-words are phony, a set up, a hoax, just like this phony assassination. But the parents of American let their children be dumbed down and kept illiterate

Do you doubt me? Then try it for yourself. Try to memorize even 100 sight-words (from a language you don't know) so you can easily pronounce them. You’l find that this is very difficult because words using the same alphabet look alike if you don't know the phonics (i.e., sounds). Worse still, as you try to memorize more and more sight-words, your brain becomes more and more confused and overwhelmed. It's hopeless. It's a dead-end for everyone who does not have a photographic memory.

In other words, accepting that sight-words are a feasible way to read is exactly like believing that all the strange and unlikely things in the attempted assassination are in fact perfectly reasonable. No, they are one in a million. Just as there are those rare children who can play a song on the piano after hearing it on the radio. Just as there are people, freaks actually, who can memorize thousands of words just by looking at them. But for everyone else, for normal people, these oddities are irrelevent.
Note 2 excellent videos are included:.

K-12; Sight-Words Are A Sick Joke

How Sight-Words Cause Dyslexia