Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 153:: What your students need to know about Socialism. (Wed., June 5, 2024)

June 04, 2024 Bruce Deitrick Price
Episode 153:: What your students need to know about Socialism. (Wed., June 5, 2024)
Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price
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Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price
Episode 153:: What your students need to know about Socialism. (Wed., June 5, 2024)
Jun 04, 2024
Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 153:: What your students need to know about Socialism. 

 (Wed., June 5, 2024)

Perfect short summary of Socialism and Communism, 5 minutes, for all classes

American schools are full of covert Communists and Socialists. They pretend to explain things in long convoluted ways that don't explain very much. 

Socialism can be a life-and-death choice. So everyone needs to be informed



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Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


Bio: Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet, and education reformer.

(For a list of literary titles, visit Lit4u.com
Under construction but worth a look.)


Photo montage from Alamy. 


Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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Show Notes Transcript

Episode 153:: What your students need to know about Socialism. 

 (Wed., June 5, 2024)

Perfect short summary of Socialism and Communism, 5 minutes, for all classes

American schools are full of covert Communists and Socialists. They pretend to explain things in long convoluted ways that don't explain very much. 

Socialism can be a life-and-death choice. So everyone needs to be informed



Podcasts are presented as Voice and Print  (i.e., PODCAST or TRANSCRIPT)


Here are two ways to help…

Visit  Education Reform 
for a 2-page explanation
of what we can do.

When you need a smart gift,
give Saving K-12 .


Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


Bio: Bruce Deitrick Price is a novelist, artist, poet, and education reformer.

(For a list of literary titles, visit Lit4u.com
Under construction but worth a look.)


Photo montage from Alamy. 


Let's Fix Education explains to Americans why their schools are so bad. The people in charge prefer mediocrity because they are socialists of one kind or another. If people work together to promote real education, we'll have it.

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LET'S FIX EDUCATION      by      Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 153        Wed.,  June 5, 2024


Episode 153:  Quick intro to Socialism

Usually thought of as an economic philosophy, Socialism is more sweeping than that. It dictates how all of society must be organized. It claims to be fairer; it claims to deliver happiness. Socialism is a philosophy of life that, I'll argue, steals the life right out of you. 

The central vision, indeed the central requirement, is that everyone be equal and cooperative. Competition is evil. Striving for success is scorned. In order to obtain the promised benefits, you agree to be a cog in the machine. 

In Socialism, everything you have, and everything you are, is given to you by other people. If you keep quiet and behave, authorities will pat you on the head, take care of your basic needs, and say you are a successful human being.

But what about having personal goals and working toward them? Isn't that where most people achieve their greatest satisfaction in life? 

The Greeks praised the pursuit of excellence, embodied in the word arete. An athlete, a painting, or a business can have arete. Humans are alive in order to pursue arete, that's the Greek idea. 

Point is, all religions and philosophies give you a challenging map to follow. Succeed or fail, pursuing a goal is often more fun than achieving it. 

In Socialism, you give up every goal that used to be considered worthy and ennobling. Socialist leaders enjoy this trade because they get to dominate everyone else. You get to be a peasant. In return, you forgo the ambitions that traditionally motivated people: money, advancement, prestige, helping your family, a new car, etc. 

After almost everyone has agreed to be a member of the herd, who is still striving and achieving in their lives? The bosses, the ruling elite, the people at the top, that's who. They get the satisfaction of working toward a goal. They are players. You get to be a number. 

John Dewey, America's most famous educator, preached Socialist ideals 120 years ago. He hated individualism. He wanted children to be cooperative and interdependent, and he wanted to stamp out everything that got in the way of that, for example, academic achievement that set one child above another.

The public schools have been a workshop  for Socialism since before World War I. Everything that Left wingers hope to do throughout the society, John Dewey did in the public schools. His schemes have been devastating for education. On the positive side, they allow us an inside look at this brave new ideology in action. 

Let's zoom in on the central activity or moment in Socialist classrooms. The big shift is that you are not supposed to strive for or earn anything.

Consider the individual cog. There you are, a bona fide member of the herd. Your name is John 6281 and you are almost identical to John 6282, Effectively, you are a peasant who does not want to be anything else. 

Academics like to argue (disingenuously) about the distinctions between German Fascism and Russian Communism. They are identical in that nearly 100% of the people are ciphers forced to conform to endless rules and regs. 

Inevitably, the social engineers that so called liberals are fronting for never know when to stop. Some historians say that totalitarian regimes killed 100 million people during the 20th century. Socialists and Communists always want more power for themselves. Your job is to do what you are told. For all practical purposes, you are a slave. 

As for Socialism versus Communism, the difference is that Socialists try to convince you to surrender your freedom, whereas Communists forcefully seize your freedom.

Before you let Socialist dictators dictate your life, consider what you're giving up and what they're taking away.

Here is my thesis: "Normal healthy people don't want to be dictators." Excellent article in American Thinker.


Sociopaths love power and thus gravitate to places like Washington DC.  Once there, they try to use the government to meddle in everyone else's life. Here is another sad little truth. The bosses running things don't want perfect people; they want people with flaws, who can be blackmailed into doing whatever they're told.
"Communists kill 100 million in 100 years"